Dr. Rajesh Shinde

MBBS MS M.ch ,
10 Years of Experience

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Dr Rajesh Shinde is an experienced surgical oncologist and laparoscopic surgeon based in Mumbai. He specialises in cancer surgery and endoscopic surgery. Dr Shinde's areas of expertise are vast, covering a range of conditions from the more common to the rare ones. He is fully equipped to diagnose and treat complicated health conditions like cancer, including stomach cancer, colon cancer, liver cancer, breast cancer, and pancreatic cancer, among others. Dr Rajesh also offers specialised care for those with complex gastrointestinal issues that warrant procedures like endoscopic surgeries.

As a skilled specialist, Dr Rajesh employs advanced diagnostic techniques to determine the extent and nature of his patients' health problems. His treatment plans are tailored to each patient's specific needs and medical situation while utilising the latest advances in medicine.

Dr Shinde's comprehensive approach includes minimally invasive surgeries which ensure less pain, fewer complications, shorter hospital stays and faster recovery time than traditional surgeries would allow for. He also keeps patients’ comfort at the forefront of his approach by providing compassionate care throughout their journey towards better health.

Dr Shinde has over 10 years of experience as a surgical oncologist and laparoscopic surgeon, making him one of the best surgical oncologists in Mumbai. His practice continues to help people turn their lives around by providing them with advanced treatments and care that enhance their quality of life without having to go through tedious procedures or prolonged hospital stays.



MBBS, MS, M.ch

  • Liver cancer surgery
  • Breast cancer surgery
  • Colon Cancer
  • Stomach Cancer Treatment
  • Minimally Invasive Surgery(Laparoscopic and Robotic Surgery)

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